May Wes
May Wes Manufacturing has created everything from combine poly skid shoes to Little Wesley Crop Walkers, from poly moldboards for plow moldboards to totally electronic header height control for combine corn heads and quick disconnect stalk stompers for tractors and combines.
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May Wes Planting ProductsClosing Wheels - The smooth, slick surface of the poly eliminates the build-up of soil and debris, which increases compaction. Looser soil created by the poly closing wheels allows the heat and moisture to filter in & speed up germination. Two models available 12" star or 10" and 12" smooth poly wheel.Fertilizer Box Toppers - Adds up to 400lbs per hopper, Easy Installation - use original lid. Durable Fiberglass construction with steel cross brace. Insecticide Skirt - This design attaches directly to the existing insecticide bander and allows accurate product placement in wilndy conditions. The skirt is made of a soft flexible rubber that will not affect insecticide flow or pattern. Planter Box-Toppers - One piece snap on Design. Adds 1 bushel capacity, Water tight fit prevents seed loss during transport, Use original lid - fits tight prevents lid loss Planter Repair system-Perma Fix - Fast, Easy installation, Insert the Ultra-Wear bushings into the worn factory closing arm and weld into place. The bushings are held in alignment by the Precision Alignment Tool and Mounting Bolts provided. Pro chute - In as little as two minutes you can empty your seed box the the PRO chute ll and if you are not in a hurry you can in four minutes with standard PRO chute. Slide gate controls flow, wear resistance, and slick properties. Hose Organizer - This simple Product allows correct hydraulic connections every time through organization and proper identification. Holds up to 6 hoses. Perma-Fix Hex Drive Shaft Repair System - Fix broken hex shafts in minutes. Secure two sections together with repair kit. Compact enough to carry for in-field repair. Seed Box inserts - Improve seed flow into planter. Increases bottom slop so all seed flows out. Easy and permanent installation. Durable Fiberglass construction. |
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May Wes Tillage ProductsShank Protectors/Shank Savers - Protect critical stress point on metal shank from excessive wear. Prevent Build-up of mud with May Wes non-stick poly shank protector. The non-stick poly surfaces lets the shank and sttached shovel glide through even sticky soil. Poly Shank Protectors for diggers, cultivators or other spring tooth shank.Lift Switch - Automatically engages to lift implements when you shit into reverse, eliminatin implement damage when backing up. Poly Moldboard covers - Prevents soil build up, Better scouring, Save Fuel and ebergy, Custom formed. May Wes poly eliminates sticking even in wet soil. Even poblem soils have straight, uniform rows with better and lighter draft. Less friciton and compaction releve stress and pulling on equipment. Stalk Stomper - Protect tractor Tracks and tires from stubble damage with the May Wes Stalk Stomper. Works off of existing Tractor hydraulics, Kits is built around a standard 4 X 4 tube, No Drilling or welding required, Resigned shoe, Row-crop configuration |
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May Wes Harvest ProductsAuger liner for Grain & Corn Heads - May Wes Auger Liner covers the full length of the floor under the auger. Designed to fit grain heads or corn heads. Condensation and wet grain or corn will not corrode poly lining when the metal is covered with poly. Poly lining is much easier to replaceCombine Snouts - Poly snouts fold up, down and in to provide easy access to the gathering chains and other workings parts of the corn head. The best part is the snouts are made from the best soild color UV protected poly materials and blends the color right in. This means you wont have to paint them ever. The Poly absorbs the impact, causing less ear bounce and less crop damage. Lighter in weight the steel and less expensive then metal. Corn Shields - The corn shield virtually saves 100% of the corn that would be lost on the outside rows. with the corn shield you can harvest faster as you can keep you head lower to the ground and keep the corn from bouncing off the end row units. It is wear and impact resistant and will withstand the rigor of harvest. Ideal with heads with stalk choppers. Available for most combine heads. Grain Drain - High-Density polythylene plastic angled covers funnel grain into the auger, keeping the auger housing clean and dry Grain tank auger floor liner - Protect the area in your grain tank that needs it the most and wears out the quickest. Install the May Wes Grain tank auger fllor liner over new or worn floor. The poly liner provides a smooth slick surface for the grain to flow into the grain tank. Poly ski shoes - May Wes Poly skid Shoes are 60% more slippery then metal ski shoes keeping more Debris and soil away. Coast Savings in repair and application, Still 20% better abrasion resistance making them last up to 2 X longer then standard poly skids. Easy installation, PreDrilled or Undrilled. Poly tin replacement shield - With a May Wes poly tin replacement shield, grain enters the combine ar an even and steady rate reducing bunching that cuts the horsepower or effciency of the combine. Over 50% lighter than oringinal OEM. 60% less friction the carbon or stainless steel for smoother flow into combine. No alterations to your combine header. Auger wear shoes - The wear shoes are available in different diameters, pitches and thickness to fit most common augers. Smooth poly provides a slick surface for grain to flow freely and reduces bunching or build-up, slowing auger sppeds and harvesting rate of your combine. |
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May Wes Miscellaneous Poly & HardwareBulk Poly - May Wes offers Poly by sheets also that could be used for quick repairsDrag Conveyor Paddles - 3/8" thick UHMW paddles to use in drag conveyors. Rigid Poly paddles do not bend and outperform rubber paddles Poly Chain Tighteners - Poly gives longer life to the chain and outlasts wood blocks. These roller and tighteners have unlimited use in areas where there are tighteners. Replace wood with self lubricating, long wearing poly tighteners. Poly Chute Liner - Save money by lining, instead of replacing steel. UHMW poly lining provides a protective barrier against abrasion and corrosion. Rolled Plastic - Best Material on the market. Easy to clean. No Bacterial build-up and less costly the steel. Tru-Tube - Save down time by making in-field auger repairs. Tru-Tube allows you to straighten damaged auger tubes on grain platforms in the field. |
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